BlueOctopede is a wealth of information on Teddy Ruxpin with hours of content on Youtube.
Dr. Eeyore has long been an authority on Teddy, and runs a hospital dedicated to repairing WOW products.
The Grundo Gazette is the best place to find a steady flow of Teddy content, and connect with other fans.
The Teddy Ruxpin Facebook page is a great community resource and a reliable source of Grundo news.
The Teddy Ruxpin Online page is a great resource and archive with a cherished forum.

Have a link to add?
Contact us with important Grundo resources and we’ll add them here.
Check us out at Reddit
and join in the conversation!
Keep an eye out for the new documentary on Teddy creator Ken Forsse by Billy Tooma
The Teddy Ruxpin Fandom Wiki page has a really comprehensive wiki style database.
The Everything 80’s Podcast has a fairly thorough history of Teddy Ruxpin leading up to WT.
Some of the best Teddy Ruxpin repair videos online can be found on Workshop1138.
That Big Hair Girl has a TON of Teddy content and a huge collection, and a Gimmick puppet! is a good source of all Teddy info, a sellers guide, pricing, history, and more!

The Teddy Ruxpin Hospital is repairing talkers on the other side of the pond. UK and Europe customers only.
Check out The Toy Box’s overview of Teddy Ruxpin products, complete with photos of the product packaging.
Il Mondo di Teddy Ruxpin is a great website with a lot of Italian Teddy information and downloads.